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Types Of Roof Materials: Choose The Right One

Apr 23

You might be wondering what material to choose if you're in search of a new roof. There are many types of roofing materials that you can choose from, making it difficult to pick the right option for you.

This article will focus on Choosing the Right Types Of Roofing Materials for Flat Roofs.

Types Roofing Materials

There are 4 types of roofing materials commonly used for flat roofs.

  • Asphalt shingles
  • Metal roofing
  • Rubber membrane
  • Slate Roofing
  • Tile roofing

Asphalt Shingles

Asphalt shingles is the most commonly used roofing material in the United States. These are made from an organic mat or fiberglass that has been covered with asphalt, then coated with mineral grains.

Asphalt shingles come in a variety colors and are very affordable. They last approximately 20-30years.

Asphalt shingles may not be the most durable type, but they can still be damaged by hail or strong winds. They are also not very efficient in energy efficiency, because they absorb heat directly from the sun.

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Metal Roof

Metal roofing is gaining popularity because it is extremely durable and can last a very long time. Metal roofs can be maintained properly and last as long as 50 years.

They are also resistant to fire and can reflect heat away. Metal roofs can come in a range of colors and styles.

Metal roofing is typically more expensive than asphalt, and can be harder to install.

Tile roofing

Tile roofing has existed for many centuries. It has been very popular because it is long-lasting and durable. If they are maintained properly, tile roofs can last 100 years or longer.

They are also resistant to fire and heat efficient as they reflect heat away. Although tile roofs come in many styles and colors, the most common are those made of red or terracotta.

They can be an excellent investment for your home, even though they are more expensive that asphalt shingles.

Slate Roofing

Natural slate is used for roofing since hundreds of year. It is very durable, and often lasts 100 years.

Slate roofs also reflect heat away, making them fire resistant and energy-efficient. Slate roofs are heavy and can be difficult for some people to install. They are also the most expensive roofing material. Slate may be the best choice for those who want a long-lasting roofing option.

Rubber Roofing

Rubber roofing is a synthetic material that has been used to cover flat roofs for many, many years. It is both durable and simple to install making it a popular choice of material for commercial and residential buildings.

Rubber roofing can also be fire resistant and energy efficient. However, rubber roofing can be more expensive that other types of roofing materials.

How Do You Choose The Best Flat Roof Material

There are some things that you must consider when choosing the right roofing material. The climate is the most important. If you live near severe weather, it is important to choose a material which can withstand heavy rain or high winds.

You should also consider the weight of your roofing material. Slate roofs weigh a lot and are difficult to install. For many years, rubber roofing has been used as a flat roof material. It is both durable and simple to install making it a popular choice of material for commercial and residential buildings.

The cost of roofing material is also important. Rubber roofing is both more costly than asphalt shingles but will last longer and require fewer maintenance. Because asphalt shingles can be installed quickly and are affordable, they are the most popular roof choice.


This information will allow you to choose the right roofing material for your business or home. Riverfront Roofing, a professional roofing contractor, can be reached for any additional information. We would love to help choose the best roof option for your requirements!